Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Do people really think there is a constitutional right to an abortion?

can somebody try to explain to me how there is a constitutional right to an abortion and if there is why i can't do drugs in my own home. Thank you
I don't think the others who have answered are getting your point. Let me try. If, as the Supremes have said, a woman has the right to an abortion because of the implied right to privacy, then why not permit abberant behavior of all sorts and claim it is protected by the implied right to privacy. In that you have a logical argument.

The most amazing part of the Roe decision was that there is no "right to privacy" in the Constitution, either. Their is a right to being secure in your person and papers but that is specifically limited to requiring law enforcement personnel to have search warrants or probable cause before searching you or examining your papers. How that was construed to mean you have a right to privacy is another stretch.

To answer one of the other people who responded questioning why people can bother you with their religion, we have freedom of religion we do not have freedom from religion. We also have freedom of speech we don't have freedom from speech. They have a right to preach, you have the right to preach back, not listen or otherwise go about your business.

i think so thats why the Supreme court is involved in the whole thing
I wanna know where it also says people have the right to push their religious beliefs on others...
Abortion is legal. Therefore, women have the right to choose to have one.

Drugs are illegal. Therefore, people do not have the right to break the law.

Pretty simple.
They think that because the Liberals have done a masterful job of framing it that way. They have a law (Roe V. Wade) that made it legal. It was passed in the Supreme Court on a 5 to 4 vote that was later to be found fraudulent in the facts department. Just they think they have a right not to be offended or to healthcare or a myriad of other non-constitutional rights.

The federal law says drugs are not legal so that is why you can't do them.
You can call it clump of cells, fetus, zygote,... whatever, it is still a form of human life being killed you stupid w*****!

Btw, I'm atheist. i don't need god to tell me you are a psychopath for killing your child.
Abortion is only legal because it is feasible. That might change in the future. As far as drugs are concerned, maybe they will be legal in the future as well. In my opinion abortion is no where near constitutional, I mean, who is abortion protecting? People who are pro abortion seem to think that being dead is better than being alive in the first place.
yes,it should be a woman's right to choose.is'nt it protected by i believe the 4th amendment guranteeing us the right to privacy and abortion is a very private decision.we are all guranteed life%26liberty%26the pursuit of happiness and if a woman decides that an abortion will give her liberty%26happiness%26free up her life so she can have a life then that very private decision should be made by only her,let the decision maker bear the consequences. so yes abortion is constitutionally proteceted.
What we have is a Constitutional right to be left alone to make decisions about or own medical conditions, including pregnancy. The original Roe v. Wade opinion was based on how the Texas law at the time was unconstitutional. The difference is nobody has been able to get any drug cases to the Supreme Court when the right Justices were in.
did you ever think about how much joy a child would bring you?
People who have abortions and are pro choice are selfish morons and need to be put in their place.
Good question. It's interesting that they can find a mysterious "right to privacy" in the Constitution for the murder or an unborn innocent, but that same right doesn't exist for the use of drugs in the "privacy" of your own home.

The answer is no, no one really believes that there is a right to take an innocent life, whether it was in the Constitution or not. That is why those who are pro-abortion need to call the unborn child a "fetus". It alleviates some of their guilt.

Waiting for the thumbs down. People hate truth.

Oh, and by the way, there is also nothing in the Constitution about drugs being illegal. But if you think anything in this country is being done based upon the Constitution, you are sadly mistaken.
The Supreme Court has found that Americans have rights to make decisions concerning their own bodies. One of those decisions is whether or not to have an abortion. Since the belief that a fetus is a baby is just that, a belief, it cannot legally be considered killing anything, despite what opponents want people to think.

As to your additional statement, are you saying that before religions came about, murder and stealing and the like were socially acceptable? These laws are not based in religion, they are based in accepted societal standards of right and wrong. We do not base our laws in this country on religious doctrines.
I would advise reading a Con Law casebook and not asking the general population about a sophisticated legal question that inevitably untangles into a mess of moral and political spewing. FreeLawAnswer.com has its limits. Books don't.

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