Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Do we renters need a law for landlord regarding mice and bedbugs ?

landlords must give back rent ,scurity ,moving fees, medical fees ; for the first 2 month moving in .
landlord/tenant laws vary considerably from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but you likely have protection for the right to habitability. If the place is unliveable, you should demand the conditions be fixed. Some states you can withhold rental payments for fixing the problem, or the condition may be so bad it results in constructive eviction. you need to find out your local laws though.
yes. you need a law.
yes you do. I am sure your not going to want to live in a house full of mice and bedbugs. I would sue 'em, live somewhere else, inform as many people as you can especially people who live there and people who are planning on living in that area, and make them call a extermenator.
Most states have a "warranty of habitability" for residential leases, under which a tenant can recover damages if the residence is not reasonably fit for human habitation. In other words, get thee to a personal injury attorney and sue that slumlord.

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