Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Do police have the right to keep the car?

ok well police found estacy at his house. no drugs was found in car, yet they took his car anyways. they said they cant return it because it's gonna be use as "evidence"
If they have reason to believe that the car was used in the transportation and/or sale of illegal narcotics, or was obtained with proceeds from illegal narcotics, they can seize it. They can seize all assets of illegal narcotics transactions. For the poster who blamed this on Bush, not to defend Bush, but it has pretty much always been like that. The Bush administration did not enact these laws, they were enacted long before Bush took office.
This is possible, depending on why the car is being held for evidence.

It also depends on the parameters of the search warrant and where the car was at the time - in a garage, in the driveway, on the street.

It's really a question for a lawyer, which I would hope your friend has by now.
Anytime they find illegal drugs, they can confiscate the car - and the house.

Be glad they just took the car. When they do the forensic examination of the car, they will, no doubt, find drug residue inside of it.

Whoever this guy is, he needs to find a new way to have fun and leave the drugs to the dopers and junkies...unless he is one.
This is Bush's America; 'the man' can do what he wants when he wants and why he wants.
U guys crack me up... "found estacy in the house. no drugs was found in the car"... OK. ... Ecstasy was found in the house, but no drugs were found in the car. Now that we have the spelling and stuff right... Yes the car is being gone over with a fine tooth comb for evidence of drugs being in the car at some time in the past. Actually the police can keep the car till after a trial has been held... U play U pay... I'm guessing your friend didn't own a home because under certain circumstances that might have actually became State property!
Yeup. they sure do.

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