Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Do we have to take candy machine out of city hall because of blind people. I live in tn.?

we use the candy machine to pay for our water cooler. now we are told that because of federal law we are going to have to remove it because its not blind people friendly. I've worked here for 22 years and do not recall seeing a blind person in the section of the building where the machine is. thanks
uh i feel bad for a blind person but come on can't they ask someone for a snickers.
no you dont have to remove it just make the numbers that are pressed on the machine to get the candy out blind pwople friendly by putting the bumpy letters on them that they can read. thats all you have to do
No. The Americans with Disibilities Act does not require the removal of the machine.
could you trade it in for a model that is blind-friendly? I think in buildings (especially government ones) that is has to be handicap happy. The candy machine seems a little excessive, though. how can they miss something they could never really do? then again, i am thankfully not blind.
isn't bureaucracy wonderful? i bet the mayor has a friend who owns a vending machine company, get a newer fancy model in there asap.
Hire an illegal alien to stand there and explain it for the blind person. Though you may have to hire a translator too, but you'll still have cool water.
I think it's just a lame way to get so called unhealthy food out of the building. Having a Candy Machine in any hallway would NOT Bother a Blind person. They Can Not See It. And 2nd they either have a seeing eye dog or a cane to guide them along.
This is just another example of politial correctness gone amuck. Put it in a spot where a blind person would never find it anyway.

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