Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Do u think they should name and shame those parents who deny access to the children?

It is already happening. Many communities feature in the Sunday paper a listing of the area's "Most Wanted" and it frequently includes deadbeat Mom's and Dad's

In some cities in Ohio and Virginia, they have gone so far as to placing the pics and descriptions of deadbeat Mom's and Dad's on pizza boxes (but usually feature the extreme cases where nothing has been paid in years).


My opinion is it is a double edged sword; yes, it had helped in the capture of deadbeat parents and gets them to pay child support (at least for a period of time until they disappear and have to be tracked down again) or go to jail. The downside is the effect it can have on the poor children seeing the postings, or worse yet, classmates seeing the posting and taunting the child(ren) over having a parent labeled as a "deadbeat" publically. It is not only humiliating, it is damaging to their self-esteem as the child is 1/2 of each parent, the child interepts it as they THEY are half "deadbeat" and a loser.
Deny who access? The other parent? Not really sure what you mean.
Those parents have no shame. In order to have that, they would need a sense of right and wrong.

I think children of such parents are clearly better off without them, despite the anguish it causes. We can only hope that someone with half a brain (as opposed to their parents) takes them in and loves them.
Access to the children by who?
Boy, don't I wish we could. I have been in a job that has allowed me the opportunity to witness so may so called adults dragging their children through adult issues. I personally believe that if two people can't live together, and have children together, it is BOTH their responsiblities to PARENT the children. Keep their issues out of the children's lives.

To me, The children suffer so greatly. But I am thankful that scriptures remind us that He takes care of the children.
Yes they should name them! My oldest sister was left to raise four children by a runaway father. In 10-years she received 20 dollars in child support. Because he lived in another state there was not much she could do. So her family and uncle Sam (you and me) had to flip the bill. Meanwhile the erstwhile father created another family and lived happily ever after. They changed the law where she gets his income tax refund money but that is a 100 dollars a year.
So I say put their wretched faces on billboards, TV, Movie theaters screens.

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