Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Do we morally have the right to turn our backs on undocumented immigrants?

I recently read an answer where someone used the Bible as a basis for why undocumented aliens should not be allowed here, stating that they are sinning by breaking our immigration laws. It seems to me, if we use the Bible in this debate, then we must look at the story of the Good Samaritan. We also must remember that Jesus was a sojourner in many places where he was legally not to be. He told us to "love thy neighbor as thyself" and "what you do to the least of them you do to me". He didn't tell us to love our neighbors from a distance or only if they are in the same socio-economic level.
And as for building walls, look at what happened in Jericho and Babel!
We are all God's children. We share many faiths, colors, and cultures, but ultimately we are of one family. So again I ask, how can we turn our backs on the least of us?
No, we don't.

I read the title of your question and every point you make went instantly through my head before I read the extra stuff! So I agree with you - good samaritan, etc.

As for them being sinners because of breaking our laws, Christ wasn't exactly known for his condemnation of "sinners" was he! Look at the Magdalene, and the man on the cross beside him, etc.

Compassion is where I get off every time. And as for using the bible as an argument (for anything, really!), Christianity's stance on anything should only ever boil down to Christ-like behaviour.

"What would Jesus do" should be the deciding factor!
By "undocumented immigrants" I'm sure you mean illegal aliens. Criminals.
No we MUST NOT turn our back on them. We have to find each and every one of them and force them to leave the country forever.

We need to pass laws that puts ANYONE who hires an ILLEGAL alien in prison on the first offence and no possibility of parole. Five years for each illegal hired would be deserving. We need to expand the law to imprison anyone who admits an illegal into a school, or a hospital. We need to pay a reward to whistleblowers who turn those people in. Then we need to build a BIG wall on the southern border and charge illegals $5000 just for the privilege of LEAVING the country.
I don't understand about this entire thing with supporting illegal immigrants ? who really cares? Illegal immigrants aren't doing anything but using U S taxpayer money to support them and offering cheap labor in return..

Come into the country legally and pay your taxes and you will live the American dream .
That is all very good but you should face the facts. The illegals are helping to eliminate the middle class by accepting jobs at low wages. They are draining our heath care system, the schools, and many are criminals. Is is wonderful to be altruistic but the reality is that they are hurting every aspect of this country and making life harder for poor Americans. Let's take care of our own first before we worry about those that committed a crime to get in the U.S.
While I appreciate your position, here's the difference: the man who had been beaten and robbed on the road didn't break into the Good Samaritan's house and make him help him.

We should be helping these people improve their conditions in Mexico, but they shouldn't steal from us. Using this logic, we should tell all the HIV-positive Africans to come invade our country as well.

Forcing me to pay higher taxes to help these criminals isn't Christian. No one has ever felt the hand of Christ through a government program.

As Christians, we should voluntarily help these people improve their lives and know Jesus, in their homelands.
Yes, Not everyone in the USA is religious and fallows the bible. ILLEGAL immigrants broke the LAW.

Not everyone believes in your god. Stop pushing it down everyone's throats.
Ok, as a minister I have an obligation to respond to this. We are a nation of laws and we are a people of laws. We are obliged to follow the laws that are set up by the government because God is the one who raises up and tears down governments. Now with regard to illegal immigration, we have 12 million plus people who do not follow our laws, they came here because they did not want to wait, they also broke in and now demand services because they broke the law that we set up. That is tantamount to someone breaking into your house and telling you that your responsible to feed them. It does not come down to love, it comes down to personal responsibility, if you want to come here then you need to do it legally just like everyone else.
Easy. Its not our job to support people who scoff at the law. The numbers don't lie. Illegal immigrants are a drain on our resources, and threaten the very existence of the country as our forefathers envisioned.
How can you justify someone sneaking into this country, and then getting all angry when we try to stop it from happening?
If you want to wave you Mexican flag, stay in Mexico.
If you want to be an American, there is a process through which you may do so. We simply cannot allow unfettered access to this country and its resources any longer. It is not a religous debate, but a debate for the well being of our country and future generations.
The welcome mat should be out for those who truly desire to work hard, and better themselves, and blend into the American society. The door should be slammed shut, however on those who are looking for a free ride.
I'll tell you how...When we can't put a good meal in front of our children at night because our jobs are being taken by illegals who will work for next to nothing. When our neighborhoods that we paid good money to put our families in are being turned into trash because of the way they choose to live in filth. When the schools make our children hold back so that they can focus their attention on the kids who do not know English. When LEGAL AMERICAN women who honestly need it, can't get governmental financial help to clothe her kids and give them what they need because the ILLEGAL spanish overflow our social services departments to take what is there.

I am all for "The Melting Pot" and mixing characters in our country...but if they can't do it legally and honestly, they need to get the hell out.
Because the government doesn't go by the bible it goes by the laws that have already been written. The law says you can't stay in the U.S. unless you are a citizen and that citizenship has to be earned if you are an immigrant. Those "undocumented immigrants" are not citizens therefor they are here illegally and most have not bothered to TRY to earn their citizenship.
absolutely not!! i have not studied the bible, but , having a christian upbringing, i seem to recall a particular beatitude saying "blessed are you who show mercy" i think we need to cosider this. whether or not coming here was the morally right decision, we have responsibility to these people. some are risking their lives to come here, instead of condemning them for trying to make their lives better,shouldnt we be welcoming them?? and to the people who disagree,all i have to say is this:we should be helping them in their own countries, so they have other options of escaping a life of poverty or discrimination
there has to be a compromise. they aren't coming here to hurt citizens and many pay taxes.
if you pay taxes, don't break any of out laws (except for being here), and learn english you deserve amnesty.

a joke for catholics:
god gave the souls of dead babies amnesty out of purgatory, why can't you give the illegals some amnesty too?
There are such things as laws of the land as well. When
we start enforcing the laws and fining the abetting factories,
we'll be on the road to getting this mess straightened out.
There's nothing saying we can't make provisions within the
system for migrant workers -- in tthat case the employer
would pay no less than minimum rate and any other
cost that a legit employer pays. NO amnesty.

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