Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Do you agree that 18 you realy are more mature than some one who is younger?

I dont it is just the law.18 year old is not a biological adult he/she are still adolescents.They still have an adolescents brain.If you do a wekapedia you will see tht a biological adult starts at 19 or 20.Why cant the law consider you a legal adult at biological adult hood.I feel 18 is still inmature and litle early to be considered an adult.
Parents that don't allow their children to grow into adults have children that aren't mature enough to behave maturely at 18.
I was on my own at 18 paying rent and a car payment, groceries and taking care of myself. How are kids so different today?
You should be. Society gives you the chance to prove it at 18.
depends on how u were raised and where u are in your own life. I for one and def much more mature because of the things I have seen and been through
Maturity has little to do with age. However I think 18 is a good age to let people know they will be fully responsible for their actions. And I think the underlying reason it's so low is so the Gov't can justify sending teenagers to war.
at 18, you capable of getting a job and becoming independent. immaturity has nothing to do with that.

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