Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Do u beleive the Consitution(s) are the law of the land for the both state & fed govts?

Shouldn't our elected officials be bound by the chains of the Constitition(s)? Seems as if they break the law they should pay the penalty.
Yes... what offenses are you referring to?
The constitutiion is the guide in which all American laws and liberties are founded on; however, in this day and time there are issues that our founding fathers never could have imagined. (Think of all the ethical issues and complications that modern technology has brought...). This pertains to state and fed gov. I agree that if one breaks the law regardless of whom they are they should face the penality. Period. I also belive (and the news shows this everyday) that citizens today are so apathtic that EVERYONES civil rights and liberties are slowly being erroded away usually spoon fed to us as " what is best for us". Case in point is the National Security Act (as a result of 911). In the name of "protecting" Americans our basic rights (Bill of Rights) are being taken away every day. Freedoms of speech and most imortantly privacy are going to be a think of the past. Definatly NOT what the founding fathers intended by the rights that were considered to be part of what it means to be an American.
Yes, except where the Constitution makes allowances:

Amendment X
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

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