Monday, July 13, 2009

Could the ACLU be considered unconstitutional?

The ACLU's goal is to "protect" people's First Amendment rights. But as they win court cases banning this and banning that, they are violating other people's First Amendment rights. Could they be considered uncnstitutional for that?
no,you lack understanding of what they do. try visiting their website.

here is the resolved grave marker symbols issue.

here some defenses for religion.
Not if you know anything about the organization.
no...they are hero's
yes the ACLU was based on the thought process of communist thoughts
No. They will not be considered unconstitutional.
During Bush's third term, they will be declared by the Great Decider to be illegal. They will simply be outlawed. They will not be unconstitutional because that "piece of paper" (as Bush himself described it) will no longer be in force anyway at least not in any practical sense as we know it. It is being systematically disassembled as we speak.
yes, very much so, ever since it got taken over by liberal progressive whackos, it's filed unconstitutional lawsuits left and right. Even now they are fighting to take crosses off of war heroes graves...need i say more. GO to their site, read what they are doing and you will know first hand the atrocities this organization has commited.
Only acts of government can be held "unconstitutional." The ACLU is a private organization.
Actually, the ACLU doesn't "Ban" anything...they back lawsuits which submit certian things, such as posting the ten commandments in a courthouse, to the courts for consideration as to their constitionality. So actually, it is the courts placing bans-- but only when they feel the ACLU is correct.

Sometimes the ACLU actually BACKS the rights of an individual- as they did when they filed a motion to keep Rush Limbaugh's medical records private.

All the ACLU does is work to protect constitional rights. The Right, of course, doesn't like that fact ( they would rather have an exclusionary "christian" government based on their biased, selective interpretation of history), but that doesn't change the ACLU's mission, or make it somehow "unconstitional".
Nope. LAWS may be declared unconstititional by the Courts, not organizations like the ACLU.and if they win a court case, they aren't violating anyone's First Amendment rights as determined by the court.
No, but they could be considered anti-constitution.
I'm sure they started with good intentions, but they have been corrupted. They have been twisted into just another political organization that acts only when it benefits their political agenda.
good point. They are just one of the problems eroding today's American culture and identity.
No, just a radical organization protecting the rights of the few, while ignoring the rights of the majority. Do you think they would take on a case in which their client demanded their Christan rights?

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