Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I have had an allegation made about me at work that is totally untrue. it has been made by a person who repeadtedly make allegationsabout individuals. This allegation is particually nasty, can anyone give me advise on steps i can take.. Thanks
without knowing what the allegation is it is hard to say. Although, you need to talk with the person at your work who handles the allegations. Explain to them that it is false and just be prepared to give your side of the story. Also, file harassment against them that way you have one against them too. Point out that they constantly do this type of thing with a lot of people. If you are union then I would talk to your union rep. If not, I would get an attorney ready to file or to represent you when it goes to the internal part. The attorney can be ready to file suit against the company if they would fire you.
If it represents anything sexual, you may be able to pursue sexual harassment charges. I would talk to your supervisor.
Report the matter to your Supervisor or Manager. He or She would probably call the person in for a disciplinary hearing and sort out the matter. If that doesn't work and the problem falls on deaf ears, you should open a case of Defamation of Character at your local police station.
First of all, as you have been told, without knowing the specific allegation there is no way to answer your question.

Secondly, even if the allegation rises to the level of sexual harrassment, you cannot sue the company without a "Right to sue" letter from the EEOC.

THe first step is to allow the company to mitigate the damages and to resolve the issue. If they do, then the matter, as far as the EEOC is concerned, is over.

Also, if the company does not resolve the issue, you still must have proof that the allegation is of such a nature to create a hostile work environment and that the company was complicit in the actions before any such lawsuit will be accepted.

An 'attorney will be ready to sue' is simply not correct. Most attorneys will not accept such a lawsuit without a large fee and proof that the case is winable.

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