Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Denying Christians the ability to discriminate an unconstitutional infringement on their 1st Amendment rights?

Does denying Christians the ability to discriminate against gays prevent them from freely "exercising" their religious beliefs that homosexuality is immoral?

Is denying Christians the ability to discrimination an unconstitutional infringement on their First Amendment rights?
What she is talking about is the new bill on the floor that will guaranty jail time and or a hefty fine who involves themselves in "Hate Speech." So, if you are a practicing Christian and attend church and your pastor or priest reads from the Holy Bible a verse or two about homosexuality being an abonimation against God (Leviticus or Romans), he or she will go to jail.
To this I say, the socialist democrats strike again! The Contitution guarantees "Freedom of Speech." It does not say only if it doesn't offend some liberal piece of crap who has no moral decency, compass or a brain in his or her God given head!
Please notice how little attention the liberal news media has given this bill. Like lambs to the slaughter folks. Lambs to the slaugher.
I am a Christian and trying to figure out what on earth you are saying???
What about the rights of Gays don't they have the right to love who they love?
Your right to free speech ends when it infringes on the rights of others to realize their Constitutional rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Many Christians aren't just voicing opinions, they are working to legislate discrimination. What about equal protection under the law? That's a Constitutional amendment, too!
No, it isn't any more than not being able to yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater without getting arrested is an infringement on your First Amendment rights to free speech.
I am Christian and i don't ever discriminate against gays.i will never believe it's ok and right.but i cannot love people any less for the sins they commit because we all commit sins.."he who does not sin cast the first stone".simple as that...if u people discriminate against anyone particular group they r not being Christian in the least..

If all religious beliefs and practices were exempt from the law, people could ignore just about every law out there.

Christianity may command Christians not to be gay, but it doesn't command them to discriminate against gays. If you think homosexuality is immoral, don't do it. Leave everyone else alone.
Ridiculous. All human beings have equal rights under the law. Period. If you don't like it move to a country where discrimination is allowed -- like Iran.
It is fine for Christians to refuse to perform marriage ceremonies for gay couples. However, it is infringement if Christians try to ban other religions and appropriate officials from performing these ceremonies for gay couples.
Well, I sorta see the approach you're using, but the argument doesn't really fit. If the government compelled christians to be homosexual, that would be violating their right to their religious belief that it's immoral. Nobody's making them be gay. But nobody's religious beliefs entitles them to impose those beliefs on others.
I know what you're saying.

We still lock up child molesters, but I guess eventually we'll be forced to let THEM pastor our churches when the libs decide that their crimes are really just "alternative" lifestyles.

Christianity and the Bible are the only things left in America keeping the libs from taking every freedom we have from us, no thanks to the special interest groups (ie. the ACLU).
Hate the sin, love the sinner. A gay person is still a child of God. Christians are to live in Christ's image--and be as Christ-like as possible. You may not agree with a person's choice as to how to live their life; but persecuting (or discriminating against them) is not the way to go about getting the word of God out there.

Use your faith to set an example on how fulfilling life is with Christ as your leader.

Just because we have freedom of speech doesn't mean that we should always use it to spread hate.
Christians can say that homosexuality is immoral.

Jesus also taught that we were to love everyone. To hate the sin and love the sinner.

Just because you accept someone who is gay doesn't mean that you condone their lifestyle. It means that you accept them as a human being. You can still reserve your right to think that what they are doing is wrong.

God loves everyone, and we are all sinners and unworthy, compared to His holiness.
I agree with the first question....what are you talking about?
You know, this is a really unique approach to an otherwise boring question! It doesn't make much sense, but it is creative all the same. Do you know something the rest of us don't ? Because laws don't ever deny ability, they deny action or force action. They cannot govern ability.Christians, or any other group for that matter, still have the right to not approve of the practice of homosexuality in their midst. Did you know that heterosexual acts have also come under fire for public portrayal? Did you read about the heterosexual couple charged under the homeland security act for being too sexual on a plane?

Have you read the first amendment? Or have you just heard like everyone that it's about freedom of speech? You really should read it. Use the link I am providing, read the amendment and then keep reading to understand the inherent principles at work there. Then, look at your question and see if it still makes any kind of coherent sense to you. And don't give up thinking creatively just because some of your initial ideas don't really pan out!! Creative problem solving is a gift.
Christians can "believe" anything they want. They just cannot take action on those beliefs if that action interferes with the rights of another.

I personally think most Christians are immoral but I don't discriminate against them...I just ignore them.
Americans have the right to freedom of speech. Doesn't matter if they are gay, christians or even gay christians. However being a christian discrimination is against the rules. See that falls into thy shall not judge other catogory. ONLY God had the right to judge.
Being a Christian does not give you the "get out of jail free" card when it comes to discrimination. God says to us, Love others as I have loved you, love others. You may not agree with homosexual lifestyle of another person, but you are not given the right to discriminate. God loves everyone because He made everyone. Let those who have no sins cast the first stone.

I'm assuming you have no sins...though very unlikely
If I am showing a person what the Bible (which Christians hold as the standard for living) says about "being in the life"
that's my freedom of religion; however if i tell someone that they're going to blazes for that lifestyle, it's a hate crime.
That's not discrimination.

1 comment:

  1. Christians & "Hate" Bills

    If "hate bill"-obsessed Congress [and Obama] can't protect Christians from "gays" as much as it wants to protect "gays" from Christians, will Congress be surprised if it can't protect itself from most everyone? If "hate bills" are forced on captive Americans, they'll still find ways to sneakily continue to "plant" Biblical messages everywhere. By doing so they'll hasten God's judgment on their oppressors as revealed in Proverbs 19:1. (See related web items including "David Letterman's Hate, Etc.," "Separation of Raunch and State," "Michael the Narc-Angel," "Obama Avoids Bible Verses," and "Tribulation Index becomes Rapture Index.") Since Congress can't seem to legislate "morality," it's making up for it by legislating "immorality"!

    [We are a longtime "underground" ministry specializing in fearlessly airing unique articles such as the above listed ones - and we will give $100.00 to anyone who isn't "moved" by them! The prayers and help from true Christian patriots have kept us going.]
