Wednesday, July 15, 2009

D-Day..1st July 2007?

When the no smoking ban comes into complete force..No Smoking in the workplace...

what about people who work from home.are they breaking the law if they light up?

what about health visitors.when they visit you at your home.are they allowed to tell you to put out your cigarette, cigar, spliff, etc..because it is their workplace?
Like everything that this joke that we call a government does, it is all knee jerk reaction. Ill conceived and ill thought out. Your home is your home and just because someone visits whilst working, be it nurse or bailiff,you can smoke.
The attitude "oh lets make a law is of paramount importance to those pompous twits in parliament. They make it a "specific" offence to drop a cigarette end when we have got perfectly adequate litter laws. (oops, sorry, they can make easier money my imposing fixed penalties) Just like the using mobile phone law when they had a perfectly good driving without due care and attention law.
They just suck.. reminds me, where's me fags? (OK don;y smoke really!)
They can refuse to enter your home if you smoke.
Good question, hadn't thought of that. I doubt they could enforce non smoking for home workers but I suppose Health Visitors could ask you to put your smoke out if they wanted to. I doubt if you would have to comply, it's your home. I suppose they could refuse to visit your home if you didn't comply, very interesting.

Just don't light up your nasty crap around me.
and if you carry passengers who do not smoke in your car you cant smoke either this p c thing has gone too far
No - they aren't allowed to tell you what to do in your own home.
The ban is on public places (including workplaces). They can refuse to enter though.
Good question though - I bet some people will try and tell people what to do!
People who work from home can do as they please, it`s their home.
If a health visitor refuses to enter your home because you smoke....they are breaking their contract.
If anyone gets inside YOUR car and they tell/ask you not to smoke.....kick the ***** out and tell them to **** off and get a bus!
In Scotland we have had dday for a while and no you cant smoke if health visitor is coming - if anyone from the council is coming you cant smoke for an hour before they arrive and not smoke when they are in your house.
Health nazis will refuse to treat you if you smoke when they attend.
This is an answer just a personal statement; Yes i am one of the low life scum of today's society, that shame on me: partake in the disgusting habit of smoking. I do not buy them illegally i purchase them from my local newsagent, not off of the local dealer on a Friday night. But i will remark i would rather be stuck in a lift any day with another smoker than some-one who had been drinking!
They can refuse to enter.I smoke it will not offend me people staying away infact I will be glad of the peace roll on the 1st of July.
Do not panic, its the thicko luny lefties, aided and abetted by the equally thick, but greedy m.p.'s on a desperate vote seeking mission, trying it on again. Every sensible person in the land knows it will be unworkable, its impossible to monitor properly and fairly. They could try the house of commons bar firstly, or are they exempt?, maybe the local copshop, or whatever?. I could'nt give toss, If I want to smoke I will, I never smoke in eating places or a strangers house unless they do, So whats the odds?. I get really p___ed off with these people who whinge about me enjoying a smoke, as I have done for the last 55 years. They all seem to drive gas guzzlers, eat rabbit food, and leave their damn sweet wrappers and chewing gum in my driveway along with the empty water bottles. They also seem to have at least 4 colds and the flue, every winter, and suffer from a year long cough, and are either anorexic, or so overweight and of questionable mental stability, that i cannot see where my having a smoke in Birmingham, is going to affect them in Upper Minor, one little bit. We used to get fags from the NAFFI when the war was on, to keep our nerves steady, whilst those whingers slept safely in their cribs, well out of harms way. All we have achieved is to swap one gestapo for a home grown version, and lost a lot of lives in the process. Who said freedom, an Englishmans home is his castle, liberty for all, I don't think so.
I do believe they are allowed to because you might work there but you still have to pay respect to the other people around. They dont want to be breathing on your cancer stick smoke
Of course not.
Your home is your home, and
if you choose to contaminate your
lungs and kill yourself with smoking,
I am sure you can legally do it in your
own home.
Our personal rights are being overtaken by busybodies with nothing better to do. They are starting with this but who knows where they will end.
i work at a hospital and i smoke so do most of the respiratory
therapist . nurses, almost every one there.
now the powers that be are saying no more smoking
anywhere on the premises. this means the family member
who is stressed out to. right now there only 2 places outside
to smoke. yes i said outside in the open air. and they are going to stop that to.

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