Monday, July 13, 2009

COULD SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER THIS?? perferablly an ex-cop?

copy and paste the link into ur URL and answer it please. thank u.;...
You are a criminal. That is one thing we can all agree upon. The crime you committed is burglary, which is often called breaking and entering now. The definition of the crime is breaking and entering the dwelling (or other structure) of another with the intent to commit a crime within. You do NOT have to steal anything to complete the crime. If you cut a lock to enter the building, the intent can be inferred from your actions.

Additionally, you may be charged with possession of burglary tools, trespass, criminal mischeif and other crimes. Depnding upon your criminal record, they may or may not give you a break. If they dont charge you with a felony, count your blessings.

As for sentencing, many states have first offender statutes that let you serve probation and then drop the charges completely when you are done. (In Connecticut that is called "Accelerated Rehabilitation.") There is any range of sentence options. I doubt that this crime would carry a mandatory sentence. If you are a first time offender, I doubt that it will carry jail time. Probation, community service are probably the most likely options.

I practiced criminal law for a very long time. I can tell you that you do NOT want to continue along this path. If there's one thing a prosecutor can spot, its someone who believes their own bullsh^t. There is no question that you were there for criminal purposes. So straighten up before you get yourself in trouble you are obviously not ready to handle.
Depends on the laws where you are. In New York you could be charged with Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief for destroying the lock, and Misdemeanor Criminal Trespass for entering something you had no business entering.
Depending on you background, what the lock was protecting, if the lock was in an area you were not authorized to be in or a host of other circumstances you could be charged.

Most likely charge would be criminal damage (vandalism) for destroying the lock.
I answered the original question. I did the best I could.
You seem a little nervous. loved doing the crime but don't seem so keen on doing the time. Sniff sniff.

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