Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Detention unfair, what to do?

I forged a signature of a librarian, and my dean at school is giving my a 4 hour saturday detention..I told him, and continue to tell him that I didnt do it (even though I did), what can I do to get out of it, it is this sautrday, so I need so answers fast! He thinks taht I did it cause the librarian talked with him, and she said that she never signed it, and I said she did%26gt;%26gt;WHAT SHOULD I DO!?!?
Be thankful your only doing 4 hours and not in jail for fraud. Do the time you did the crime!
yer screwwwwwwwwweeeeeed...
take your punishment. What you did was forgery. If you did that in the "real world" you could be punished with jail time. Consider yourself lucky you got off as light as you did. Next time be more mature.
Uh, do it~ Thou shalt not lie!!! You need to be punised you Butthead!
You should stop lying and take responsibility for your actions. If you were an adult and you forged a signature, you would go to jail.
Admit you are a liar and a brat, take your well-deserved punishment, and then grow up. Loser.
Tell them to **** off.

note: For further advice, watch The Breakfast Club.
John Bender rocks!!
Suck it up and go to detention.
They will know you did it, especially if it isn't axactly like her signature. I'd do the detention but always plead innocence. That way he'll wonder.
If you did forge the signature, the detention is fair. Take your punishment and deal with the consequence. OR you could just skip detention and get suspended.
Grow up and take your punishment like a man, dude.
Admit that you did it, since you did it.
If you screw up, we can't help.
this is not an unfair detention. reality check forged a person's signature and you lied about it on top of that. what do you expect...a gold star? i don't understand how on earth you could think this is unfair. in the dean's eyes, a librarian, teacher, etc. has more credibility than a student. and why would a librarian lie about it? anyways, you should be lucky you didn't get suspended...this is something very serious. a dentention is nothing. so you're just going to have to sit through detention and deal with it.
Cry some more.

You screwed up.. live with it.
Is this high school or college?
Not meaning to offend but frankly you sound like a self centered spoiled brat Who refuses to take responsibility for his/her actions. I would say youre getting off easy with the Saturday detention. Take your medicine and take responsibility for your actions.
Take your punishment. You're not that special that you're above the law.

Do the crime, do the time. Be a man and own up to it.
what should you do? how about not be such a douchebag and forge signatures!

why hell u forge librarian siggy yeah no si ocho?
You should stop being a whiny little prick and accept the consequences of your actions. You and people like you sicken me. I will go to bed praying for two things: 1) that you get 8 hours of detention for the next 12 Saturdays; and 2) that your hand rots and falls off so that you have a permanent reminder of your cowardice. Because isn't that what this is all about? You don't have the testicular fortitude to stand up and accept that what you did was wrong.
A-Hole! Take your punishment. Also, tell me the contact info of your school and dean, so that I can complain to them about your stupid question. If I were your dean, then I would give you an expulsion for your initial bad behavior, combined with your asinine question that you posted to forum. How's that? Loser!
Unless your name is Paris Hilton, you're screwed dude! You F'd up and now you're payin for it. That's the way the world works, get used to it.

Also, tell that poor libriarian that you're unendingly sorry for being such a piece trash that you'd try to tarnish his/her reputation for your benefit.

How is this unfair? You did it now be reponsible and take the punishment. It is forgery. I am not sure what you signed but in the real world this is a crime.

Geez people put so much effort into trying to get out of the messes they get them self into instead of putting that effort into not doing things wrong in the first place.

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