Monday, July 13, 2009

Could we enforce anti stalking laws on the paparazzi?

The paparazzi has ruined many lives. The paparazzi freqeuntly hounds celebs from many occucaptions.

People like Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, the former Princess DI, even Prince Harry can't go nowhere without these scumbags stalking and hounding them.

If I tried to do any of what the paparazzi are doing I would go to jail. Recently Prince Harry could not ship out to Iraq with his unit, because the Paparazzi couldn't leave the story alone, this notified the terrorists, which made him a much greater target then he would have been in Centuries past.

Lets bring the strong arm of the law and start jailing Paparazzi Photographers or aka stalkers.
CA has a law. Arnold signed it a while back. Not sure what is in it %26 don't care since it is unlikely I will ever need protection from the nasty little fleas.

In the meantime I say DON'T buy the crap they produce and they will go away..eventually.

On the other hand if you shot and killed one you might fry in the chair but would not likely be barred from Heaven.
There are rumors that many stars are actually cahoots with the Paparazzi.
When you are a public figure in the public eye it is not stalking, just like I could walk around and take pictures of you all day if I wanted to.
are they stalking or watching over to protect, see it works both ways.
I highly doubt it, because people in the public eye...NEED the paparazzi for publicity. They can't pick and choose when that is allowed to occur if the celebrity is in a public place. Of course they can sue if the paparazzi comes on to their private property, but if a person's life is purposely made public...and their position requires that the publicity continue...they can't sue someone for keeping that ball rolling. It doesn't seem fair sometimes...especially with the royal family, but they represent their country. That's the life they were born into and it's a burden they are almost required to bear.
the paparazzi actually like the constitution, because they work for the press, and the constitution guarantee's their right. If the anti stalking laws go to the Supreme Court they will most likely be struck down.
You've got this backward, at least for celebrities. The celebrities count on paparazzi for their fame, they even court the little buggers.

The lives of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton were not ruined by the paparazzi. In fact, if it weren't for them, nobody would even know who Paris Hilton is. As for the two's recent troubles, they brought those troubles upon themselves by being publicly drunken morons and either a poor mother (Britney) or a two-time probation violator (Paris).

Don't blame the paparazzi for chronicling the bad behavior of celebrities.

I won't speak to the royals. That's a diffferent situation and, of course, Princess Diana's death was nothing but tragic.
Unless YOU'RE the one being stalked, there's not much you can do about it.

Fortunately, they only stalk the rich and famous. Lucky me; I'm neither...

And in the past, some celebs have, indeed, pressed charges against various members of the paparazzi... it's up to them to flex their "rights" muscles.
We need anti stalking on Stock Fraud, now that killed allot of people.
Yeah the Paparazi always stalking me even though I tell them to "Get out!" Den I scream at them and punch a hole in their chests and tell them, "Essen Sie meine Scheič„˝e!!"

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