Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Destruction and downfall of the U.S.A. I can find no greater reason for the demise than this law. Your?

thoughts on this?
Well, best way for a nation to die is to either be conquered from within or be conquered with the help of the corrupt and rich.

Corporations want cheap labor.
Rich want cheap labor.
Both groups own politicians.

What makes this country great is it's work ethic and respect for law.

We are bringing in people who do not have either.

Read an AP article that said 39% of all @nd generation hispanic families have atleast one member on a government program...sad.
If you think immigration is our worst problem, you need to get out more. It is our arrogance when dealing with other countries that is gonna be our demise, just like the Romans. Contempt, ignorance and egoism are our 3 virtues.
i agree, it's been going downhill ever since the europeans started coming over.

was nice here before the white folks arrived.
America has always been the melting pot for minorities from it's inception. If the Americans love their country, we will be strong.
people have become desensitized to this immigration, and this country WILL be stolen out from under us, as the majority rules in this country, and eventually, whites and blacks, won't be the majority, MEXICANS WILL.and politicians keep bringing them in with their policys, so its only a matter of time.
The law set the maximum number of visas allowed per year. What is wrong with that? The problem comes from not keeping track of those in the U.S. due to a visa. Immigrants are seeking a better life and freedom. I say let them stay work and become citizens, just like our ancestors did.

America's real problem is greed. No, not just corporate greed, but individual greed as well. What does America actually produce inside its own boarders? Food, entertainment and a few autos. We have sent our jobs to other countries because they will make the products for less money. Right now our dependence on foreign oil and foreign made products are going to contribute more to our nation's downfall than anything else.
The criminal war of aggression waged by the USA in Iraq is a far greater reason for the downfall of the Superpower.
Our country has always been a haven for those who are oppressed. The act you cite does not authorize excessive immigration, it specifies a controlled immigration policy. I see no problem with the law.

What has created a significant problem for this country is the number o f illegal immigrants that enter, day after day, year after year. So the problem if any that will lead to the demise of this nation is failure to secure our borders both from illegal immigrants and those who would destroy us because of their philosophical or religious beliefs, not from the immigration law that you cite.
then you obviously have not looked at the clinton legacy and the threat of carryover from hillary

- The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
- Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*
- Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
- Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
- Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
- First president sued for sexual harassment.
- First president accused of rape.
- First first lady to come under criminal investigation
- Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
- First president to establish a legal defense fund.
- First president to be held in contempt of court
- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad
- First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court
that puts the law at a far far distant second.
Actually, the root of the problem is that the Seventeenth Amendment took away the balancing nature of the Senate. The immigration bill you cite wouldn't have had a chance in a Senate chosen by state legislatures, and neither would the current shamnesty bill.

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