Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Death penalty?

Do you believe the death penalty should be illegal in the United States?
I used to be pro-death penalty, but I have changed my stance, for several reasons:

1. By far the biggest reason is this: Sometimes our legal system gets it wrong. Look at all the criminals who are being released after years of imprisonment because they were exonerated by DNA evidence. No matter how rare it is, our government should not risk executing one single innocent person.

2. Because of the appeals process (which is necessary - see reason #1), it costs taxpayers MUCH more to execute a prisoner than to imprison them for life.

3. The deterrent effect is questionable at best (I have seen studies that have actually shown the opposite effect--that violent crimes actually increase in societies that employ the death penalty).

4. I also agree with those who say that death is too good for the dregs of our society. Let them wake up and go to bed every day of their lives in a prison cell, and think about the freedom they DON鈥橳 have, until they rot of old age.

5. The U.S. government is supposed to be secular, but for those who invoke Christian law in this debate, you can find arguments both for AND against the death penalty in the Bible. For example, Matthew 5:38-39 insists that violence shall not beget violence. Leviticus 19:18 warns against vengeance (which, really, is what the death penalty amounts to). In John 8:7, Jesus himself says, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

And on and on. Then again, Numbers 15:35 prescribes the death penalty for those who work on Sundays.
Yeah, need to bring back the guillotine.
No I don't.Then again I believe that any one who violates a child should be shot on sight and that's just one example.
No; the innocence project has been working to release the innocent from death row. Dozens of people condemned to death, on eyewitness testimony and other types of evidence, were innocent, many only rescued after decades on death row.

How can you kill one person knowing that? It could be you. It could be your son.
NO!! What should be done is this:
When a murder is committed and the suspect
is proven guilty, then the state should give the
family the opportunity to carry out the death
sentence any way they see fit. If they want
to shoot him/her in their cell, then so be it.
If they want to burn him/her at the stake,then
so be it. If they want to hang him/her, then so
be it. If they don't choose to do so, then the
state will lock him/her up forever with no
No. However, that does not mean that I believe it should be used in every case. It should only be used in cases where there is incontrivertible evidence.
Absolutely, and I'm a conservative
i think they should stone any adulterous woman like the bible says! . if you have not sinned that is! and there has been plenty of people on death row who were proved Innocent with DNA evidence! which makes me wonder what about those on death row who have no DNA left at the crime scene! are they all guilty?! and what about all those that were executed before DNA technology was used were they all guilty too?!

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