Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Death penalty for convicted paedophiles ??

Now all the human rights lot are going to jump on this, but i don't care. a child preditor should be executed until the last evil one of them is wiped out. i'm serious. they do not deserve to live.
I agree , well said.
I agree...the death penalty has to be brought back for people like this to protect society from them.
I agree, as long as the courts dont **** things up and charge the innocent!
Seems a fitting end to a terrible crime.
Don't worry, I know plenty of people who'd be the first ones to put a bullet in a pedo's head.
Definitely, if one of the sick perv's touched one of my neices or nephews I know he/she would get the penalty
they will never be wiped out

their behavior is part of the human condition, it part of your nature also, though you don't realize it, it is something that only comes out under certain conditions, conditions which you have not experienced

sure you can kill all pedophiles, but this will not eliminate pedophilia, more will be born

as for deserving to live, you'll have to take that up with what or who created them and gave them life ( I'm not sure you are qualified to determine who deserves to live and who does not, and I think it is disrespectful and blasphemous to the creator to even make such a claim)

anna, you are a human and are susceptible to all human frailties, I'm sorry that you can't see this, if you don't check your ego, you will be in for a fall yourself
Fry 'em!!!
Depends on the case.

You can't categorize a group of people and just wipe them out.

It doesn't work like that.
ur totally right.too many ppl r getting away with this stuff cos theyr sentence is bugger all.its not enough cos theyr getting released and doing it again.ur right kill them off show them we mean buisness.
murderers yes.paedophiles.not so sure...its sick and and they should serve alot of time, but i think a murdere is worse and should suffer the death penalty
let him who is without sin cast the first stone. Let God decide or fate or anything else you believe in. You have no right! but then neither did they but all will be judged by the one who is qualified....pending great and terrible be continued.
Actually in some states they "castrate" them using refined acidic chemicals which actually shrink and deminish the genitals, which means it's too small to even use on a child!
good for you i agree 100% with you!!
I agree completely, but I think rapists (in general) deserve death. Just looking at the website makes me sick to my stomach. There are so many dangerous and disgusting people living everywhere, ruining the lives of so many innocents.
The death penalty is archaic and ineffective. Let the pedophile rot in jail for life with no possibility of parole, ever. My guess is that these POSs will be asking to die when the population inside finds out what they are convicted of.
Considering that like 99% of them can not be rehibilitated..i agree!

hang em on the court house yard!

(i think i lived in Texas too long :D )
never happen, like death for murder! there is no room for error in these cases ! and what if u did execute someone then a few years later you realised that person was innocent? what then?
I believe that the same goes for any criminal. If the guy is standing in front of the judge and admits, "yeah, I raped and tortured that little girl, and then I buried her alive under my front porch." The judge ought to pull out his glock, and say, "Guilty", fire two rounds into the @sshole's skull, and administer good old fashion justice!
Yes they should be given the death penalty. Any person who would harm a helpless child like that deserves death. If I had my way though, there would be torture before the heart stopped though.
I think anybody who has harmed a child has in the very least given up any semblance of Human Rights.
I had an aunt that was murdered a few yesrs ago, she was 83. The two that did it, got 20 years I think. In my opinion they should have gotten the hot seat too.
I applaud your strong feelings idea would be a little more humane..I would drop them all on a island where they could not escape from and leave it at that...but you are right they do not deserve to live !!!!
I agree. Pedophiles destroy lives. When people start doing these evil things they turn their backs on their humanity and become monsters. Pedophiles are incapable of rehabilitation and will hurt children for the rest of their lives. They should be considered monsters and destroyed as quickly as a rabid dog is destroyed.
Here my Vote
Protect the Children
They need our help.
A tad harsh but if we didn't have human rights and a stupid legal system in the UK then it would happen
doctors in france have started giving chemical treatment to 48 repeat sex offenders to see if it will stop them attacking again.
All the men, who have finished prison terms for sex crimes, are volunteers.

The government hopes the treatment, which is already available in Sweden, Germany, Denmark and the US will help stem the increase in sex crimes.

The number of people sent to prison in France for sex offences has multiplied by seven over the past 20 years.

Now almost a quarter of male detainees in French jails - or 8,200 people - are sex offenders and nearly three-quarters of those have raped children.

The statistics are so bad, the government had to do something !
it makes me sick that the goverment let the number get so high then relize 8,200 people later oh oh we better do something now! dont they think that maybe if they would of done something many years ago it wouldnt be as bad as it is now ?!
I think that the Death penalty should come back to the England and fast.I think an eye for an eye.I give example to you.Aman walks home from the pub with his wife and some drug crazed mad man slits the poor mans throat for his wallet,the attacker deserves to have his throat slit up.I think paedophiles should be handed over to the victims family for an hour or so alone.what happens,happens touth luck on him,if he survives put a big tattoo on his head reading the word"kiddie monster"he will get a good hiding at best every time he goes out.

I agree with you on this 100% I also believe that when someone is sentenced to life it should mean life and should be sentenced to death. There will be alot less over crowding in prisions. Also people that are in prisions that dont even belong in this counrty should be sent back to theres to serve the time over there.
.I absolutely agree! Too many child predators are released after serving their sentences only to repeat the crime and another child becomes a victim. Why allow them that opportunity? And why should our tax money pay to shelter them in jails? Protect the children, execute a pedophile!
They need to take all these sick bastards and fry them. I get sick of hearing about people like this being rehabilitated. They are just likes dogs that bite, they will do it again if given the chance. It is idiodic to keep filling the jails up with these perverts, hang em!

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