Monday, July 13, 2009

Dad paying child support?

I am 22 and my father has never paid a dime of child support, or cared about me in the least bit. can i sue him for child support at this age?
No. you are an adult and he is in no way responsible for you now.

If there was never a court order to pay support, than he made no legal violations.

If their had been, than it would have had to happen back before you turned 18.

Sorry to hear about your bad relationship with your father.
leave it be. suing your dad is gonna get you no where.
No, you can't sue him for child support at your age.

Your mother would have had to seek child support before your 18th birthday.

Even if you did sue, your mother or whomever raised you would get the settlement. They are the ones who financially supported you. My ex husband doesn't pay, doesn't have anything to do with his daughter. She's better for it.
NO!! first off -- YOU can not sue your dad -- that can not be done by the child-- that can only be done by the mom -- and, its too late.
((btw- maybe your mom was receiving child support- and it just wasn't brought up to you))

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