Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Death penalty woes?

Okay, so there is a lot of debate on allowing the death penalty based on whether or not it's morally right. I have a different position. I don't think it's a deterrent because for certain extremists (e.g., Jihads) death is a way to get into heaven and for other social misanthropes (e.g., Crips) death is viewed as being something “cool”.

So what if we did away with the death penalty and had an embarrassment penalty? Lots of people are willing to die for a cause, but how many people are willing to be embarrassed and ridiculed for it?
The other here says that you should explore the person's psyche first to see what really embarrasses them. Like in the case of these super conservative ultra religious people, put them in a room with lots of porno and tape them when the gratify themselves. Then send it to their mother.

Myself, I'm more in favor of the naked port wine cheddar and finger paint parade.
Interesting, but I will have to disagree.

Capital crimes call for Capital punishment
Like being paraded downtown covered in tar and feathers?

After the initial shock and laughter, it'd become so common place it'd cease to be embarrassing.
public humiliation, like "the stocks" in colonial times, is viewed as cruel and unsual punishment by the court, while humane exectuion is extreme but neither cruel nor unusual.
Jihads want to die killing Infadels. Not be killed by Infadels. Jihads would kill themselves if they commit a homocide. Death penalty would deter serial killers or other normal people.
Wow! that might actually work! But... not everyone can be easily embarrassed. Like putting someone in the stocks and having rotten food thrown at them could only strengthen one man's resolve to "do it right" next time, and the next guy would be mortified to be so publicly displayed.
We could always go back to corporal punishment and have them caned.
(BTW i do not like the death penalty)

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