Monday, July 13, 2009

Curious, I always wondered how Whitney Houston/Bobby Brown, and others have never dealt with child services..?

With there being so much speculation about Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston using and abusing drugs, along with Brittany Spears and her widely publicized bizarre behaviors, and there have been others, I often wondered why child prottective services has never actually got involved and removed any of the kids, when its clear the parents need to get their acts together? The average blue collar family out here would have lost custody of their kids by now, just off some of the things the media has exposed on some Hollywood parents?
In CA, the goal of Children and Family Services is always to provide services to stabilize and reunify the family. Worldwide publicity isn't really very helpful in doing that. So while Britney Spears actually did have a brief interaction with LA County child welfare workers, you might not have heard about it because her family is entitled to the same privacy during the process as yours.
apparently they don't care about kids of rich celebrities just their parents money or the kids money depending on who is making the money!its sad really.any regular person would be in prison ,loose all their possessions and custody of their kids forever! where is the justice! oh i forgot its for sale to the highest bidder in good old California! glad i don't live there!
They have, but remember like other celebrities who get in trouble,,they have money for "good" lawyers".
Simple just like the McCann's they have lots of money.
And you know that makes them above the law. Is sick.don't you think.
Those people have enough money that the DFS doesn't want to mess with them. They'd rather go after easier targets. Children in happy homes, in other words - well, happy until they "protect" their children to death.

Can you lie, cheat, kidnap, coerce, threaten, and destroy families? DFS might be the job for you.
And just how do you know they werent? These people would not publicize it. The thing is that all of the rich peoples children have nanny's taking care of them - they wont lose custody of the children as long as the kids are taken care of by a responsible adult.
Child services did visit Britney, but I don't know about Bobby and Whitney. My guess is that they do so little of the actual childcare that child services did not see it necessary to remove the kids. Either another family member or even the child care staff is probably responsible for assuring the safety of the kids. As a side note, children are not removed from their homes for absolutely no reason. Any time someone has kids in foster care, and they tell you some story about how child services just came and snatched the baby, they are LYING TO YOU. It is not easy for child services to get custody of the children, they either have to get the parents to VOLUNTARILY sign them into custody or get a court order and prove in court that there is something going on. Certainly, there are times when caseworkers get overzealous and remove children, but more often there are parents who are not doing their jobs and play the victim because everyone hates child services. In the case of celebrities, the kids probably aren't removed because there are adequate people available to care for them. Families in the real world don't always have these resources, which is why kids end up in care.

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