Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Do Female Criminals Get Preferential Treatment By Juries, The Media And Society?

It's not that women are capable of committing crimes, but society's SUBCONSCIOUS presumption that women are purer than men and thus cannot be capable of commiting the more horrendous crimes of murder (of their spouse, boyfriend, children), pedophilia (female teachers raping underage boys) and other violent crimes

As a result, juries are much more likely to hand down a lenient sentence for a heinous crime when a female has committed it as opposed to when a man has committed it. Usually the jury buys the argument that the woman was a) verbally or physcally abused (usually by a man) b) she was insane at the time of the crime and thus cannot be held accountable c) she's a victim of society in general so lets cut her a break

The defence team can make these arguments very successfully in front of a jury for a female criminal AND WIN which they cannot use for a male criminal (if they want to win).

It's typical to see a woman receive 1 or 2 years, even probation, for a brutal crime such as murder (of her husband, boyfriend, children etc) or child molestation for which a man would serve 10, 20 or even life in prison for the exact same crime.

These biases are ingrained in our society and the media only perpetuates them. Watch the news with an open mind and you will notice how a male criminal is branded a "monster" or "menace to society" while a female criminal is almost always portrayed as the victim and treated sympathetically.

For example, Letourno raped a 12 year old student of hers a few years back and got such a lenient sentence the first time she was caught (probation) that she decided to have sex with the underage boy AGAIN, this time getting herself pregnant. After barely serving her 7 year less a day prison term she was then invited on Larry King Live where the child molestation was openly referred to as a "love affair" by Larry and the opening graphics and text.

If a man decided to commit this exact same crime, not only would his "love affiar with a child" be called child rape, his reputation and livelihood would be ruined forever and he would probably lose his freedom for the better part of 20 to 30 years.

Another example, "Mom kills her kids"

Same crime, different headline, "Man muders his 2 children"

Which headline evokes a greater sympathy for the perp? The use of "mom" and "kills" certainly humanizes the female murderer even though the crimes committed by the mother and father are the exact same, only the woman is put in almost a sympathetic spotlight.

This is just one minor minor example of how the media manipulates words to evoke your feelings: sympathy for the female child killer and disgust and hatred for the male child murderer.
I think you answered your own question quite well .
wow - I was going to give this a well thought out answer until I went ot your profile and read your other questions.

you have a real women hating issue huh?

get therapy.

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