Saturday, August 8, 2009

Do I still have to pay child support after child reaches the age o 21.If they are found mentally mildly handic

If the child is found mentally mildly handicapped?
None of us can answer this accurately without more information about your child's medical condition, which you should not give us. I'm a lawyer in a state where child supports ends at 18 or graduation from high school, whichever is later. I did have a case where child support was continued forever for a SEVERELY mentally handicapped child. This would be fact-dependent. Can your child support him/herself? Is he/she disabled to the extent of qualifying for disability? The answer to these questions is the answer to your child support question.
This is a risk one takes when deciding to have children. Be a responsible parent.don't abandon your child to the taxpayers for reaching an arbitrary chronological age.
No and yes, depends on the handicap. Child could draw social security benefits, off your SS , and it does not effect your benefits at all. If child is handicap, deserves to be taken care of , one way or another.
if you are still paying child support and the child is 21,you either are behind in support or there is something in the divorce papers that you should know about. otherwise probably not. as an adult the child can apply for aid.
Hi. As a mother of a handicapped child I know that I will be working and paying for my son long after child support stops. You are in the situation where you can make your child's life better by providing things they wouldn't otherwise be able to get. Its no big deal to your life particularly to carry on with payments - it is a massive life altering deal to a person who suddenly cannot have the options they previously had. Be a good guy - there is lots of them out there - join the club. Hope you make good choices.

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