Saturday, August 8, 2009

DO i REALLY* need a LAWYER?? I'm 20, just got into my first accident.?

there were three cars involved including my own, the suburban was the first car...stopped very quickly, the car in front of me stopped in enough time.but I sadly did not, and i rammed the car in front of me making it collide into the suburban up front.

Now: the cops said that they had to write me a reckless driving ticket because i hit the back of someone's car [but they were really cool and were 90% sure that it will be dropped] and i have to be in court in a couple of weeks...

2 friends of mine say that i should get a lawyer to help talk it down.

but WHY do i need one??..if the charge is likely to be dropped anyway [and this is my first offense] nothing on my speeding tickets...etc.

can i just ask the judge if i can do a defensive driving course and pay a fine of some sort?

what do you guys think? help..


If they were 90% sure it would be dropped, then why did they write the ticket in the first place? Why did they say it would be dropped? The main problem I can see happenning here is when determining liabilty comes up and your insurance company (if you have insurance) has to pay for the damage becasue you were the one issued the ticket, and therefore by insurance standards you are technically easier to accuse of fault. Based on the nature of auto accidents it was you that caused the accident, but it looks even worse from a liability standpoint if you were issued a citation. After your insurance company has to pay, your premiums go up, etc. Of course you can ask the judge anything you want, but whether you will get it is a completely different issue. I would get a lawyer, unless you really think that you have a 90% chance of it being dropped, which I doubt.
It is not going to be dropped all by itself. You need to take action to convince the prosecutor to amend the charge, or to convince the court that you are not guilty of the charged offense. If you are not equipped to do those things, then you need an attorney who is prepared to do it. The charge probably is excessive, and following too closely is the appropriate charge, but that change will not take place unless you take the correct steps to make it happen.
for a car accident like that, no i wouldn't say that you need a lawyer, plus the only thing that will really be going after anything are the 3 cars' insurance policies.
go with the public defender. remember, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed! =oD

Good Luck!
If you have insurance, check your policy. There should be a clause for legal representation.

You DO have insurance don't you?
Reckless driving tickets are typically criminal charges. They're no joke and you've got a lot to lose if it doesn't get dropped. I got a reckless driving ticket once - luckily, my lawyer pled it down to a non-criminal negligent driving in the second degree. Still had to pay a $600 fine, take a defensive driving course and do 40 hours of community service.

You can request a public defense attorney if you don't have the money to hire one...I'd do it.
The rules of the road tell you you must maintain a safe distance between your car and the car in front of you at all times.

You were too close, therefore rear ending the car in front of you.

I wouldn't count on anything being dropped. You have caused a lot of people to lose a lot of money - to say nothing of the fact that your insurance rates are going to go through the roof due to the payouts to the other drivers.
It will look good and may reduce the fine.Take the defensive driving class before you go to court.
I had the same problem a few months before. Let me give you an ultimate solution. Just try the following website. You will not have to search again and again. Trust me. Here is the link

best of luck

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